Thursday, October 3, 2019

World Politics ``The War Against Terrorism`` Essay Example for Free

World Politics The War Against Terrorism Essay Introduction The contemporary world of politics is heading with a fear of terrorism that stood as a hindrance for undertaking any developmental or prosperous strategies that helps to stabilize a nation’s economy or social status.   In fact, the world economy is shrinking with these negative forces causing catastrophes and striking innocent people. There is a deep impact on social justice, political chaos,   infrastructure of public property and loss of millions of dollars at the expense of terrorist networks and pre-conspired evil schemes. Some of the questions that arise in the minds of civilians are : why does terrorists attack in public places ? what do they need?   where from the hour of help is descending for needy? which is that religion and who is that God who prostrates terrorism? From the year 2001, beginning from U.S., terrorists have been continuously attacking time and again, some of the major cities across the world   for various reasons best known to terrorist networks causing aggravation to millions of middle class and poor people. There were bombings in trains, buses, cabs and public pavements causing loss of lives for which no reason is attached hitherto. The continuance of such sorry state of affairs is truly unpardonable which declares that these criminal mindsets have to be brought to justice under international court of law to declare that such international violations of peace, law and order deserve a greater punishment as it is   a serious violation of human rights and no crime is above the law. In every part of the world, there are internal extreme forces which in order to cause political confusion   and to compel the government to meet the demands, step on to terrorize people and target these innocent civilians. Whether external or internal, the motives of terrorists are all the same to achieve anything   i.e. targeting civilians which is immoral, unethical and undemocratic. What is terror? The definition of terror given by web world is panic: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety a person who inspires fear or dead ; â€Å" he was the terror of the neighborhood† a very troublesome child. Although there are no standard definitions recorded for terror or terrorism, each nation has been giving definitions in its own terms and point of views. For instance American definition of terrorism is laid in Title 22 of the U.S. code as â€Å"premeditated, politically motivated violence†. A well known Iranian scholar Tashkiri has defined terrorism as â€Å"Terrorism is an act carried out to achieve an inhuman and corrupt objective and involving threat to security of any kind, and in violation of the rights acknowledged by religion and mankind.† Contradictorily, â€Å"God commands justice and doing good and giving to relatives. And He forbids indecency and doing wrong and tyranny. He warns you so that hopefully you will pay heed.† (Quran, 16:90) The holy book of Islam religion Qur’an condemns terrorism as a plan to cast evil on others. In fact it aims to bring peace and security to the entire world which gives quite an evidence that terrorism is politically motivated and not a religious movement. (Yahya, Harun). If under the shadow of religion, such evils are taking place, it invites punishments of any sort as terrorists include fascists, communists, racists or radical political groups. â€Å"While countries like America often became the target of attacks by racist and marginal terrorist groups, the European countries have been center stage for violent acts carried out by terrorist groups. The nature of terrorism changes with changing world conditions and increases its impact and power with the new means made possible by developing technology. In particular, mass communication tools such as the Internet extend the scope and influence of the terrorist activities considerably†. (Yahya, Harun) War against terror ( our world today) The war against terror for five years, has left behind achievements and made the situation lachrymose   which will be overlooked with a view of international law of justice for human rights.   The motive of war on terror was in right direction, true motives at the expense to strike the enemy. Every part of the world, witnessed insecurity, chaos and fear and still continue to face problems of terror of bombings.   Ã‚  The ideologies of extremists are all radical based agendas and most of these terrorists are western based Islam radicals who work on finances funded by major networks which is in turn supported by Islam countries. Key To World Peace World leaders summit in 2005, pledged all terrorists activities will be made weaker through the powerful Nuclear Terrorism Convention and encouraged the participation of all States to cooperate and act on â€Å"timely and decisive manner† on war crimes. Leaders of Jordan, Republic of Moldova, Indonesia, Kyrgzstan, Paraguay, UAE, Bahrain and foreign ministers of several other countries have opined on global terrorism and the remedies to prevent future war crimes. The slogan of â€Å"larger freedom† and strengthening the world body United Nations to speed up the activities of Agenda with appropriate relevance, effictiveness on hot issues that are threatening the peace of world. UN Secretary General stated that expansion of Security Council is essential in terms of   United Nations transparency which is explained as â€Å"continuing our efforts to achieve a decision to this end and request the General Assembly to review progress on reform by the end of 2005†.   Several world leaders stated [Poland, Panama] that an international cooperation, identification of root causes for war crimes. inter exchange of views and empowerment of military power are some of the effective measures to eradicate violent radical terrorists. Secretary General stated that .   Ã¢â‚¬Å"We have allowed posturing to get in the way of results†, he said in his opening address to the Summit.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"This is inexcusable.   Weapons of mass destruction pose a grave danger to us all we must pick up the pieces in order to renew negotiations on this vital issue.† What are the gateways to eradicate terrorism? An order of democracy around the world, where human rights are protected counting the   life of every individual as valuable and a right to live with freedom and not by fear. Undertake poverty, hunger, epidemics as a hot issues and launch a long-term programme for bringing health awareness among downtrodden in those countries where an act of help is required. Rehabilitation centers to motivate on cultural, social and ethical status of people of all racists irrespective of caste, creed or religion.   Protection of human rights on democratic principles as a priority and work on the principle alone and lay a foundation for strong democratic society,   at least for future generations and a vivid picture and effects of   negative forces. African Development Bank, WTO negotiations on removal of subsidies and find solutions for development of Millennium Goals apart from protecting workers rights and human rights. The summit also discussed that the terrorist networks continue to lay plots and have been attacking Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and Far East after 9/11/2001, and future plots to crash passenger airlines. Conclusively, the world is divided geographically into two parts. Primary being western countries [US, Europe, Australia] and the secondary being Muslim countries [Iran, Iraq, UAE, Saudi Arabia etc.,] An internal terrorist law can be promulgated which slashes activities within a particular nation i.e. supply of arms, ammunitions, weapons or bio-terrorism by the witness of court of law by tightening the civilian life style through the medium of democratic law and order. This measure also makes terrorists to pass through difficult stages to make the very entrance into other nation with arms by air, road or water. Conclusion According to the opinions of several political leaders around the world, present view is considered as a fact that, certainly war is not a solution for terrorism. As proved by civil war in Iraq, there was only financial loss leaving a sad state of affairs that are now are recorded as a part of history in terrorism. Contradictorily, the hour and emergency of need after post 9/11 attacks were to find and destroy WMD without which, the situation would have been more infuriating and most probably, terrorists would target millions of civilians around the world, if the networks have not been crashed.   Therefore, there are views that military solution to some extent is appropriate to bring restore law and order. However in long-term perspective laying a strong foundation through the medium of legal enforcements, public awareness, securitisation of major cities and international cooperation are some of the effective measures   to prevent terrorist attacks. No other country, other than U.S could have performed a better coalition operation in spite of several military losses and economic losses, it continued its aggressive efforts to weaken prominent networks of terrorists and all the sources of activities and finances. The work and efforts of U.S is praiseworthy and it did leave a deep impact on the nation itself that U.S will be alert on every ground for the future times. Solutions to terrorism A terrorist always leaves a message through an attack to the targeted. An analysis of solution certainly is the source of a problem.   It is an uphill task to caution nations against attacks every now and then.   A long-term strategical plan keeping in view the international court of law and justice, human rights and United Nations have to be laid against prevention of barbaric acts of radicals. References What is terrorism Accessed 20 December, 2006   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   General Assembly Accessed 20 December, 2006 World Leaders pledge wide-range steps on poverty, terrorism, human rights, UN Reform as 2005 summit concludes in New York.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ (4)The solution to the terrorism problem, Terrorists: its what the big army calls the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   little army. Accessed 20 December, 2006 Books (5) Wohlstetter, Albert J (1958) The Delicate Balance of Terror Accessed 20 December, 2006

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